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Per Diems

Section Per Diems fascilitates calculating and generating allowance reports for the crew. Before you can start using this feature, you need to set up how per diems should be calculated - the currency, the rates, should the day-rate be the same for all airports, etc…

Per Diems Definitions

Crew per diems - the general view

Go to Settings > Per Diems Definitions to add appropriate value into the 'Currency date rate' and select the currency, so that the panel works properly and the wages match performed flights by your crew members. Once all is defined, go to Crew > Per Diems.

Here open the filter and select year, month and the person. If you leave 'Person' drop-down box as 'SELECT' - Leon will show all crew.

The page shows 3 columns:

  1. For - shows year & month selected in the filter.
  2. Person - code & name/surname of the crew.
  3. Links - PDF/EXCEL/DETAILS - first two links allow to export details. A link 'DETAILS' shows a pop-up window with all flights performed by the selected crew. A column 'Price' shows per diems calculated based on what has been defined in Settings > Per Diems Definitions section.

At the bottom of the pop-up screen Leon shows total amount of per diems.

If you need to get per diems for time spent outside hombase only - use a report Crew > Per Diems (check THIS link for more details).

leon/per-diems.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/26 09:51 by bartek