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Automatically mask PAX after given days

The Automatically mask PAX after given days will be introduced in the Admin Panel > General Settings section > 'Phonebook' tab.

This setting automatically masks passenger (PAX) contact information not used in trip bookings or sales quotes within the past days. This function enhances data privacy and security.

'Automatically mask PAX after given days' settings

The 'Automatically mask PAX after given days' configuration contains the following options:

  • Mask PAX enabled - Activates the functionality
  • Mask PAX after - Number of days after which PAX will be masked.


For this functionality to work the following conditions have to be met:

  • PAX cannot be a User
  • PAX cannot be marked as 'Deleted'
  • PAX cannot be marked as 'Is representative'
  • PAX is selected as a passenger on a past flight but was not assigned to a flight within the days indicated in the 'Mask PAX after'

How it works

Example of masked passport in the PAX profile

Once the conditions for masking PAX data are met, the PAX details (currently 'Passport' number) will be unavailable for preview, as per the screenshot on the right.

Additionally, the passport number will be masked in the PAX sections of OPS > 'PAX' tab on a flight and Requests/Quotes > 'PAX' tab in a quote:

A User with the Contact Mask privilege set to 'EDIT' will be able to:

  • preview the masked details in the PAX profile by clicking on the icon, and
  • unmask the details by clicking on the 'UNMASK' option in the PAX profile and saving changes

If a User's Contact Mask privileges are set to DENY, the user will see the icon in the PAX profile with the following information: You don't have permissions to unmask passports.

updates/phonebook-settings-it-will-be-possible-to-automatically-mask-some-of-the-contact-details.txt · Last modified: 2024/03/25 11:23 by rafal